Donate to LA Wildfire Help and Support

How Can I Help?

If you or anyone you know in our community has been impacted by the wildfires and are looking for assistance with basic needs, or would like to talk with our Pastor please email us at, or leave a message at 310.451.1303.


First Pres. Santa Monica Deacon’s Fund

    • Provides direct support to individuals and families affected by the wildfires and indirect support through our mission partners like the Westside Food Bank, The People Concern, and others.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PCUSA) Wildfire Fund

    • PDA deploys disaster spiritual care providers to support the operations of the American Red Cross.
    • PDA awards emergency initial assistance grants to assist Presbyteries as they support the impacted communities. These grants are typically used in partnership with congregations serving the impacted communities.
    • PDA is in touch with the Emergency Network of Los Angeles (ENLA), working to create a sense of community and focus and providing needed resources to those in need.

Donate Items

First Presbyterian Church of Santa Monica

    • Gift cards
    • Non-perishable food and bottled water
    • New blankets, towels, and packaged socks and underwear
    • Toiletries, feminine hygiene products, and diapers
    • PPP (N-95 masks and gloves)
    • Pet food, crates, and supplies

Please drop off items at the front desk during the following hours:
Tuesday–Friday: 9am–3pm
(Please call to make donations outside of these hours)

PATH (People Assisting The Homeless)

PATH is working to collect donations of the following essential health and safety items:

    • N-95 masks
    • Blankets
    • Bottled water
    • Pet food for dogs and cats
    • Non-perishable food items (granola bars, travel snacks, etc.)

Drop Off Location (Monday 1/13 – Friday 1/17):
340 N Madison Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90004


Volunteer L.A. Works

Volunteer L.A. Works is the official agency in LA County linking people to volunteer opportunities and non-profit agencies to volunteers. To become a volunteer, sign up here.

PATH (People Assisting The Homeless)

They are in need of volunteer support at their PATH Metro Villas location (340 N Madison Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90004) next week (Monday 1/13-Friday 1/17). If you are interested and/or able to help, please reach out to to learn more.

Additional Relief Resources / Links

  • 911 – Life threatening emergencies
  • 211 – Connects people to shelter, food, medical aid, and crisis support
  • 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) – FEMA disaster helpline for federal assistance inquiries
  • 1-800-985-5990 – Disaster Distress Helpline (or text TalkWithUs to 66746)

Latest updates on LAUSD school closures and relocations

  • Document damage with photos or videos
  • Keep all receipts for expenses related to evacuation or temporary housing
  • Consult the Top 10 Tips for Wildfire Claimants
  • For personalized assistance, contact the California Department of Insurance Hotline at 800-927-4357
  • View current road closures: LA County Road Closures
  • View live CalTrans traffic alert/map
  • Lyft and Uber are providing free rides to individuals impacted by the California wildfires.
    • Lyft Code: CARELIEF2025, for rides to and from designated relief sites.
    • Uber Code: WILDFIRE25, for $40 of free rides.
  • Have an emergency kit ready.
  • Check on loved ones who may need assistance.
  • Keep roads clear to allow emergency crews to work effectively.