Our Core Beliefs
At First Presbyterian Church of Santa Monica, we believe in God, who made all things, who came into the world in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, and is today present everywhere as the living Spirit.
We affirm both the biblical revelation of God’s creative activity and the scientific understanding of God’s continuous creative action.
We trust in Jesus Christ as our Savior. We believe that Jesus lived in complete trust and obedience to God’s purpose, was killed by people he loved, and was raised to new and everlasting life by God, whose love is never-ending. We believe that by and through his life, death and resurrection, Jesus has brought to us that same promise of everlasting life and never-ending love.
We experience joy in the presence of the Spirit of the living Christ, who moves in our lives, in the Church, and in the world.
We take the Bible seriously, accepting it as the unique witness to God’s revelation of himself in the world, both in history, and in the person of Jesus Christ. We believe the Bible is God’s word to us, and embrace its mystical and metaphorical, as well as its literal content.