Children Palm Sunday Singing

Church Youth Groups for All Ages

We welcome all children from birth through 5th grade and their families to be a part of our church’s worship, youth groups and our children’s spiritual growth activities.

Our Mission

To form lifelong followers of Jesus by nurturing, encouraging, and supporting the spiritual growth of children and their families, sharing God’s love with them and teaching them God’s way through Jesus Christ.

Sunday Faith Groups

Sanctuary & Admin Building

Upon arrival, children and youth are invited to join us in the sanctuary for worship and will go to their Faith Group rooms for lessons and activities following “Children’s Time” in the service. Faith Groups are located in Sunday School Rooms on the 2nd Floor of the Admin Building. Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to Faith Group in the Youth Lounge.

Youth Group

First Pres Youth

Our Mission

To form lifelong followers of God in the way of Jesus by nurturing, encouraging, and supporting the spiritual growth of youth and their families through sharing of God’s love with them and teaching them God’s way through Jesus Christ.